
Key Employment Issues Across Europe and Beyond

By Christopher Jordan - CMS

February 25, 2019

CMS presents the latest version of our international employment newsletter “On Your Radar”.

For employers operating across borders, understanding an employer’s freedom to contract with its employees is vital. This quarter we discuss such an example, relating to new rights on ‘bridging’ part time employment. Employees, who move to part time working, will be given the ability to return to full time hours. Providing employees with the ability to reduce their hours for a set period knowing that they can increase their hours in the future may seem very attractive for an employee, but perhaps less so for an employer faced with the additional challenges around workforce planning.

Another measure which seems set to find favor with employees are the new rules enabling employers to offer a tax free bonus of up to 1000 Euros in France, in response to recent events there.

Otherwise, this edition brings the usual mix of interesting content including our Belgian colleagues commenting on a recent case concerning the clash of rights between an employer’s dress code and an individual’s religious belief; another sensitive area where a uniform (pardon the pun!) approach across borders will not be possible.

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