
Paid Family Leave

New Chicago Paid Leave and Paid Sick Leave Rules Finalized, Effective July 1
June 10, 2024
In May 2024, the Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection published the final rules supporting Chicago’s new Paid Leave and Paid Sick and Safe Leave Ordinance. Both the ordinance and the rules go into effect on July 1, 2024.
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New Minnesota Paid Leave Reporting in 2024
April 4, 2024
The state of Minnesota is starting a new Paid Leave program for employees.
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Massachusetts: Employees Will Soon be able to “Top-Off” their PFML Payments Using PTO
October 20, 2023
A significant change is coming to Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave, effective November 1, 2023.
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Massachusetts: Department of Family and Medical Leave Issues Important PFML Updates
October 4, 2023
The Massachusetts Department of Family and Medical Leave (Department) has been busy over the last several weeks and has issued some updates that are important for employers to know about.
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Maryland: What to Expect from the State's Paid Family and Medical Leave Program
September 7, 2023
Maryland has enacted a paid family and medical leave insurance program that, starting in 2026, will provide most Maryland employees with 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave, with the possibility of an additional 12 weeks of paid parental leave.
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Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD) Finalizes Parental Leave Guidelines
August 3, 2023
Now that the public comment period has ended, the MCAD has issued the finalized Guidelines, as well as a two-page “Brief Guide” to the law.
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Paid Leave Oregon Updates: New Employee Guidebook
June 23, 2023
Paid Leave Oregon has posted an Employee Guidebook to walk people through the types of leave they can take, how their benefits will be calculated, what documentation they will have to provide, and what they can expect after they apply.
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Oregon: Senate Bill Seeks to Quiet Conflicts between OFLA and Paid Leave Oregon
June 7, 2023
Oregon Employers who have been diligently attempting to update their company’s leave policies to address the impending availability of benefits under Paid Leave Oregon have encountered many unanswered compliance and administrative questions.
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Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination Issues Proposed Parental Leave Guidelines
March 20, 2023
On February 2, 2023, the MCAD issued proposed, “Guidelines on the Massachusetts Parental Leave Act.”  The 32-page proposed guidelines cover a number of topics.
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Illinois Governor to Sign Legislation Providing Mandatory Paid Leave for All Workers
February 27, 2023
Governor Pritzker has indicated that he will pass the Paid Leave for All Workers Act. Therefore, Illinois employers should take all necessary actions to ensure that their policies and practices are compliant with the requirements imposed by the new law prior to the Act’s effective date, January 1, 2024.
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Minnesota Legislature Proposes Paid Sick Leave and Paid Family Medical Leave
January 24, 2023
While it is early in the 2023 Minnesota legislative process, the Democrats who control both the Minnesota House and Minnesota Senate have introduced two workplace mandates that have already been heard in committee hearings.
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Paid Leave Oregon – Volume III: Tax Status of Contributions and Benefit Payments
January 24, 2023
Most businesses with Oregon employees began paying into Oregon’s new family and medical leave insurance program as of January 1, 2023. While several “in the weeds” administrative questions still remain unanswered, Paid Leave Oregon and the Oregon Department of Revenue have issued guidance regarding the taxability of the program’s mandatory contributions and plan benefits
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