

Yes, Unions Discriminate Against Workers Too!
February 21, 2019
Last week, the EEOC announced that it entered into a consent decree resolving its race discrimination lawsuit against a union representing firefighters.
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Ontario: How to LOSE a Union Application for Certification
February 21, 2019
The prospect of becoming unionized is unwelcome for many employers. Along with increased costs and workplace rules, an us-vs-them mentality often creeps in making it difficult to manage your business.
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The Duty of Fair Representation for Public Sector Unions in the Wake of Janus. A Recent District Court Ruling May Signal Change
February 12, 2019
On February 22, in anticipation of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Janus that fair share fees for public sector employees are unconstitutional, the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 150, filed a lawsuit seeking to strike down an Illinois law that compels the union to represent employees who decline to become dues-paying union members.
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Unions' Share of U.S. Workforce Shrank in 2018
January 25, 2019
According to a poll released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the percentage of U.S. workers over the age of 16 who are union members dipped from 10.7% to 10.5% in 2018.
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Arbitrator Went Too Far in Ordering Violent Nurse Back to Work
January 15, 2019
A Massachusetts federal judge ruled that an arbitrator exceeded his authority under the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) by ordering the reinstatement of a nurse discharged for assaulting a co-worker at the hospital where both were employed.
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Unions Optimistic for Workplace and Political Election Victories
November 29, 2018
Unions have more optimism for growth than we have seen in several years, and the facts back them up.
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Unions, Proponents of Worker’s Rights? Guess Again
November 21, 2018
What happens when the unions themselves are accused of treating their own employees poorly?
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Nevada Supreme Court Resolves Union Election Standard For Public Employees
November 9, 2018
In a case that has been closely followed by Nevada’s public-sector employers, the Nevada Supreme Court resolved on November 8th the standard for determining  whether a labor union has won an election seeking to represent public employees.
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Does Holding Unions Accountable Help Employers?
October 31, 2018
The General Counsel (GC) of the National Labor Relations Board issued a memo on October 24, 2018 that focused on the unions’ duty of fair representation to their bargaining unit members.
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Deducting Union Dues After A Collective Bargaining Agreement Expires
October 25, 2018
An administrative law judge for the National Labor Relations Board recently held that Valley Hospital Medical Center could rely upon language in an expired collective bargaining agreement and cease deducting union dues because the language stated the dues-checkoff requirements “shall be continued in effect for the term of this Agreement.”
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Extraordinary Employee Misconduct – Giving a Non-consensual Haircut!
September 5, 2018
A recent case involved rather odd facts. Apparently an employee arrived at work with windblown hair. Her co-worker said “I can fix that for you.” The employee responded, “Sure, go ahead.”
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NLRB Expands Weingarten Rights
July 17, 2018
A recent decision from a three-member panel of the NLRB appears to depart from over 40 years of precedent regarding an employee’s right to union representation during an investigatory interview.
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