
Workplace Trends

Lessons Learned from those “Special” Treats in the Breakroom or at the Office Party
May 31, 2018
About two weeks ago, it was widely reported that a Michigan woman brought brownies baked with laxatives (yes, you read that right) to work for another employee’s going away party.
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Wait – That E-mail Is a Legal Agreement?
May 17, 2018
I know I’m dating myself, but as a lawyer of a certain age, I like a legal agreement to be in paper, with handwritten signatures.
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No, You Can’t Sleep on the Job, Especially when it’s a Matter of Life or Death!
May 11, 2018
There’s one issue that seems to come up on a regular basis. It involves employers asking for advice about terminating employees who have violated work rules but also have engaged in legally protected activities, such as taking leave under the FMLA.
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To Affinity and Beyond: A Look at Legal Risks and Recent Trends in Corporate Affinity Groups
May 4, 2018
Affinity groups, also known as employee resource groups, have been a popular tool for companies to meet diversity and inclusion goals by helping to attract, retain and develop women, minorities, and other underrepresented protected groups in the corporate hierarchy.
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Another Anonymous Employee Posting App? Watch Out!
February 15, 2018
Employers struggle with the challenges of social media platforms that allow employees to post information, complaints, and even disclose confidential company information on an anonymous basis. Often, the information is false or misleading.
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Employers – Don’t Let Your Emojis Get the Best of You
January 31, 2018
Emojis and emoticons, which we all use to add flavor and emotion to dry, text based communication on our phones, emails, or Facebook messages, have become points of contention in a variety of legal disputes.
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Limits on Incentives for Participation Wellness Programs
November 20, 2017
Wellness programs are often used by employers to promote healthy lifestyles among their employees and reduce their health care expenditures. There have been several studies over recent years that have found a reduction in health costs for employers who offer wellness programs.
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Employee Warning – GlassDoor Posts May Not Always Be Anonymous
November 9, 2017
My clients are often frustrated by the anonymous (and, frankly, sometimes untruthful) postings on GlassDoor, which is a website where employers and employees can post information about their companies.
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Bring In Your Parents Day?
October 19, 2017
Following my earlier post about “Take Your Dog to Work Day,” I recently heard about another event taking place on November 10, 2017 – “Bring In Your Parents Day.” My initial reaction was utter disbelief. Have we really come to the point where helicopter parents are officially invited to buzz the workplace?
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Protecting Employee Health Information During Emergency Situations
September 21, 2017
Even in emergency situations, covered entities are expected to continue to implement safeguards to protect patient or employment information against impermissible disclosures.
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The Federal Reserve, Race, and Opioid Use
September 21, 2017
Created in 1913 with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, the Fed’s monetary policies are focused on three areas: price stabilization, moderation of interest rates, and maximization of employment. The Fed has started to focus on employment issues and their effect on the economy.
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Don’t Access My Emails And Tell Me It’s Legal
August 3, 2017
In today’s blog, we ask employers to leave it to departing employees to do dumb stuff with email.
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