

Minneapolis Wage Theft Ordinance Imposes New Burdens On Employers Even Employers Without Facilities in Minneapolis
October 15, 2019
We have previously alerted you to new obligations on employers as a result of the Wage Theft Law that went into effect earlier this year.  Employers also must keep in mind the requirements of a Minneapolis ordinance that goes into effect on January 1, 2020.
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Unfettered Free Speech or Profane Outbursts? NLRB Invites Input to Determine Scope of Section 7 Protection
October 11, 2019
The National Labor Relations Board is inviting input “to aid the Board in reconsidering the standards for determining whether profane outbursts and offensive statements of a racial or sexual nature, made in the course of otherwise protected activity” should lose the protection of Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act.
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A Halloween Tale: Ghosted by Laws that Are Passed But Not Implemented!
October 10, 2019
Last month, I blogged about my discovery that the Maryland Code does not actually contain all the laws that have been passed, which caused me to wonder how we were supposed to comply with them. And now, I just learned that in D.C., some laws that are passed end up not being implemented after all!
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Wage and Hour: New White Collar Exemption Salary Levels
October 2, 2019
After many delays, the Department issued the new regulations on September 24, 2019, with an effective date of January 1, 2020.
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Female Employee Marries Coworker, Gets Fired; Husband Keeps Job, Gets Raise
October 2, 2019
The story in Collins v. Koch Foods, Inc. begins with an office romance.
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The NLRB Continues to Level the Playing Field for Employers
October 1, 2019
The NLRB continues to level the playing field for employers, with recent decisions and initiatives.
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Supreme Court to Decide LGBTQ Coverage Under Title VII
September 30, 2019
On October 8, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments on whether the prohibition of discrimination based upon “sex” includes sexual orientation, gender identity (transgender status), and gender expression.
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EEOC to Discontinue Future Pay Data Collection
September 27, 2019
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has announced that it is not seeking to renew Component 2 of the EEO-1.
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DOL Increases Salary Threshold for Overtime Exemptions to $684/Week
September 26, 2019
The U.S. Department of Labor announced on September 24th that it has finalized proposed changes to the salary threshold for the overtime exemptions under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
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Wait! What Does the NLRB Think About Social Media Policies?!
September 25, 2019
As those of you who pay attention to the National Labor Relations Board know, the issue of social media policies is an area particularly fraught with confusion.
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California Codifies “ABC” Test to Limit Independent Contractors and Expand Definition of “Employee”
September 25, 2019
Last week, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law a controversial and closely watched bill entitled AB-5
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And the Costs Keep Rising: Immigration at a Glance
September 24, 2019
There have been a few developments in the employment-related immigration arena that employers should be aware of.
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