

California Supreme Court Rejects Federal “De Minimis” Doctrine
August 2, 2018
The California Supreme Court held last week that small amounts of time that an employee works before clocking in or after clocking out for the day are compensable, and an employer’s failure to pay for such time is not excusable under the federal “de minimis” doctrine.
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Rising Concerns for Employers with Distracted Drivers
July 31, 2018
There are many industries that require their employees to drive either their own vehicles or company-owned vehicles as a part of their job duties. With the rise of smartphones and the ability to do multiple things while driving, drivers, employers, and state legislatures have grown more and more concerned with distracted drivers.
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Pitfalls of Zero Tolerance Policies
July 31, 2018
Zero tolerance policies are a good thing, right? Because of the many workplace misconduct scandals that have become public in recent  months, employers  are  taking  harder looks at how they handle allegations of harassment, from addressing  complaints to carrying out discipline for offenders.
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Are You Prepared To Handle The #MeToo Movement In Your Workplace?
July 31, 2018
Months into the #MeToo movement, daily reports of high-profile sexual harassment complaints have led to a new question – are employers prepared to handle a harassment complaint?
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Conflicting Medical Opinions: Must Employee Return to Work?
July 30, 2018
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, an employer desiring to break ties with an employee because of risks related to his disability must often show that the employee is a direct threat to harm himself, others, or company property.
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Effort for Predictive Scheduling Expands
July 30, 2018
Chicago is the latest city to consider an ordinance requiring predictive scheduling at the workplace.
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Another Misleading EEOC Press Release on the ADA…
July 25, 2018
Another recent EEOC press release has given me some concern, because I believe that it again misleads employers on their obligations under the ADA – this time with regard to associational discrimination.
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My Business Doesn't Have to Follow California Law...Does it?
July 25, 2018
On July 12, the California Supreme Court agreed to answer several questions about whether California’s wage and hour laws apply to employees of Delta and United Airlines.
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New York City: Workplace Poster for Temporary Schedule Change Law Published
July 24, 2018
Effective July 18, 2018, New York City employers are required to grant, with limited exceptions, an employee’s request for a temporary change to the employee’s work schedule due to a personal event.
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Do We Have to Allow Emotional Support Animals at Work?
July 24, 2018
The use of emotional support animals is on the rise. It's important to remember a few things.
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DOL Provides Guidance Regarding When There is an Employment Relationship with Caregivers
July 23, 2018
There has been a lot of uncertainty in recent years concerning when an entity will be considered an employer of caregivers under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
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NLRB Seeks Increased Participation In Its ADR Program
July 23, 2018
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has launched a new “pilot program” to enhance the use of its Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) program, established in 2005.
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