

When Requested Leave Will Not Help Anyway
April 18, 2018
Is an employer required to extend multiple leaves of absence to an employee  when there is no anticipated return to work? No, according to a California court in the case of Ruiz v. ParadigmWorks Group, Inc.
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H1B Lottery Completed
April 16, 2018
The H-1B program allows companies in the United States to temporarily employ foreign workers in occupations that require the theoretical and practical application of a body of highly specialized knowledge and a bachelor’s degree or higher in the specific specialty, or its equivalent.
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New York City Proposes Right to “Ignore Your Boss” Law
April 13, 2018
New York City is often on the fringe.  From its fashion to its tall buildings to its restaurants, the Big Apple likes to be cutting edge.  Even when it comes to its laws.
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Employers Can’t Use Salary History to Defend Pay Gap
April 12, 2018
On Monday, April 9, 2018, the day before Equal Pay Day, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that employers cannot use an employee’s past salary to justify paying women less than men under the federal Equal Pay Act (EPA)
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Proposed Regulations Intended to Reduce Employer Healthcare Costs
April 12, 2018
The Department of Labor (DOL) recently proposed a new regulation that could make Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements (MEWAs) an attractive option for reducing employer costs and time spent on providing health insurance for employees.
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With Senate Confirmation of NLRB Member John Ring, NLRB Shifts to Republican Majority
April 11, 2018
Today, the Senate, voting along party lines 50 to 48, confirmed John Ring as a member of the National Labor Relations Board.
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DOL Provides Clarification on FLSA Tip Pooling Amendments
April 10, 2018
On April 9, 2018, the Department of Labor announced the issuance of a Field Assistance Bulletin clarifying the recent amendments to the tip pooling provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, which were incorporated in the omnibus budget bill that was passed by Congress on March 21, 2018.
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After Oral Argument: Public Sector “Fair Share Fees” on Thin Ice
April 9, 2018
As we previously reported, in July 2015, the United States Supreme Court decided to consider the legality of “fair share” fees for public employees.
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You’ve Filed the H1B Petition, Now What?
April 6, 2018
Many companies seeking approval for H1B workers are breathing a sigh of relief.
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Burning a Customer Is Not the Appropriate Response to Harassment
April 5, 2018
As a minority female, I have had my share of being harassed, and I have felt rage at the unfairness. I completely understand the desire to lash out at the harasser. But actually burning them with a cigarette? Well, that crosses the line.
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Supreme Court Rules Auto Service Advisers Are Exempt From Overtime
April 2, 2018
On April 2, 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that auto service advisers (also commonly referred to as “service writers”) are exempt from overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”).
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Court Green-Lights Nurses’ Defamation Claims
March 30, 2018
Even in good times, employers can feel that their every personnel decision is fraught with legal risk. Of course, in times of crisis, employers must often act decisively to protect their businesses and reputations.
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