Coronavirus in the Workplace

CMS Expert Guide to Government Support for Employers and Workers

By CMS Employment Group

April 27, 2020

During previous economic crises, Germany came up with a social instrument called Kurzarbeit (“short-time working”) to sustain businesses and save jobs. According to this model, the employees’ working time is reduced and the employer receives subsidies from the labor agency for a certain proportion of the salary.

The “German model”, however, is only one of the many instruments being used around the world. Our expert guide explores the various measures that governments have implemented to ensure business continuity and alleviate the stress that the pandemic is placing on employers and workers.

To this end, we answer the following six key questions that are applicable in every country affected by the spread of COVID-19:

•    What government scheme(s) are available in your country to help employers and workers in the current COVID-19 crisis and for how long?      
•    What payments are made under the scheme(s) and how/by whom?
•    Which employers and workers are covered?
•    What procedure(s) does an employer have to follow to be able to take advantage of the scheme(s)?
•    Are there any other important eligibility criteria?
•    Are the employees covered by the scheme(s) protected from dismissal?

We are happy to assist, should you have any questions or remarks!

To view the publication, click here.

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