

Could Google’s Firing of Engineer Lead to Legal Trouble?
August 18, 2017
Earlier this month, Google software engineer James Damore forwarded a 10-page memorandum to his coworkers via employee forums and email.
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Workplace Lessons From Charlottesville
August 17, 2017
Following the violent events and controversy surrounding the white nationalist/supremacist rally in Charlottesville, it was reported by Berkeleyside that an employee was fired from his job because of his participation in the rally.
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New York City Commission on Human Rights Adopts Rules Implementing the Fair Chance Act; Proposes Rules Implementing the Stop Credit Discrimination in Employment Act
August 7, 2017
The New York City Commission on Human Rights (the Commission) recently published final rules to clarify the procedures and application of the New York City Fair Chance Act. The rules became effective on August 5, 2017.
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​(Fictional) Mailbag: What Do Dinosaurs Have To Do With Age Discrimination?
May 26, 2017
Turning to the (fictional) mailbag, we have a letter from Sam who works for a social media start-up.  She is concerned about potential liability for age discrimination flowing from the owner’s regular complaints about employing “dinosaurs.”
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“Go Back to Your Country” Is Not Evidence of National Origin Discrimination?
May 25, 2017
I am a die-hard management-side attorney. Typically, I cheer on federal courts that rule in favor of employers – but there are the rare occasions where I think the court gets it unquestionably, unutterably wrong.
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Seventh Circuit Court Determines That Title VII Covers Sexual Orientation Discrimination
May 16, 2017
In what many are calling a landmark decision, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals recently determined that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act bars discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
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