

Two Employers Are Better Than One: NLRB Spreads the Joy of Joint Employment
October 31, 2023
The National Labor Relations Board has made it easier for multiple companies to qualify as joint employers that share liability for labor law violations and legal obligations to negotiate with unions under a new rule issued last Thursday.
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NLRB Returns to a More Expansive Joint Employer Standard
October 26, 2023
On October 26, the National Labor Relations Board issued a final rule that rescinds and replaces the Trump Administration’s 2020 rule establishing the current test for determining whether two entities are joint employers.
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NLRB Decisions Convey Pro-Union Positions on Several Important Issues
October 18, 2023
When President Biden took office in 2021, employers anticipated sweeping changes in labor laws that would benefit unions and employees.
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Refusing to Comply with an NLRB Order Can Land Employers in Handcuffs (Even If You’re Not Unionized)
October 5, 2023
Many companies blissfully believe that they don’t have to worry about the National Labor Relations Act or its enforcing agency, the National Labor Relations Board, as long as they don’t have a union and no one is currently trying to unionize them. They’re wrong.
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The NLRB's Cemex Decision: A Game Changer for Union Organizing
October 2, 2023
In a groundbreaking decision a few weeks ago, the National Labor Relations Board ("NLRB") released its ruling in Cemex Construction Materials Pacific (Cemex), NLRB Case No. 28-CA-230115, ushering in a new era for labor relations in the United States.
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EEOC, NLRB and DOL Shutdown Contingency Plans – The 2023 Edition
September 27, 2023
Once again we are poised on the brink of another possible federal government shutdown, and employers may be wondering how it may impact them.
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The NLRB Vastly Expands the Parameters of Protected Concerted Activity
September 1, 2023
In two cases issued on August 31, 2023, the National Labor Relations Board greatly expanded the universe of employee activity protected by the National Labor Relations Act.
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NLRB Resuscitates “Quickie Election” Rules
August 29, 2023
The National Labor Relations Board (the “Board” or “NLRB”) issued a final rule on August 24, 2023 that will drastically reduce the time between when a petition is filed – typically, by a union – and an election.
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NLRB’s Radical Revisions to Union Recognition and Election Procedures
August 29, 2023
Thanks to the National Labor Relations Board, unions last Friday received an unprecedented boost from the NLRB.
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NLRB Makes It Easier To Unionize Your Business
August 28, 2023
In its August 25, 2023, decision, the National Labor Relations Board paved the way for a union to represent employees without a formal vote.
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The NLRB Radically Changes the Election Landscape
August 25, 2023
On August 25, 2023, a majority of the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) issued a decision in Cemex Construction Materials LLC 372 NLRB No. 130
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Employers – The NLRB Has Just Made Many Common Work Rules Unlawful
August 3, 2023
In an unsurprising decision applicable to both unionized and non-union employers, the National Labor Relations Board changed its standard for assessing whether seemingly neutral work rules violate the National Labor Relations Act.
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