

OSHA Redesigns Whistleblower Protection Program Website. Is your Anti-Retaliation Program up to Date?
July 23, 2019
OSHA recently modernized its Whistleblower Protection Program Website. The redesigned site includes useful and interactive materials regarding whistleblower statutes enforced by OSHA, including a video that highlights industries that may fall under its jurisdiction.
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Workplace Violence: What Does OSHA Require of Employers?
June 18, 2019
Franczek P.C. recently hosted a seminar on preventing workplace violence. As a follow-up to that event, we would like to share what the law, and more specifically the Occupational Safety and Health Act, says about violence in the workplace.
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Ontario: The Fine Line between “Owner” and “Constructor”
February 14, 2019
One of the most complex issues under Ontario OH&S law relates to determining which party on a construction project is the “constructor” within the meaning of the OHSA.
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Trump Administration Ramps Up OSHA Enforcement
October 29, 2018
The  generalization  that  a  Republican  president  places  less  emphasis  on  employment  issues  enforcement  is  often wrong.
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OSHA Issues Clarification on Workplace Safety Incentive Programs and Post-Incident Drug Testing
October 22, 2018
For the past couple of years, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has enforced a rule that prohibits employers from retaliating against employees for reporting work-related injuries or illnesses.
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OSHA-Compliant Injury Reporting Policies
October 4, 2018
Several months ago, OSHA proposed to rescind part of its revised workplace injury and illness reporting rule, which was originally issued in May 2016.
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OSHA Pre-empts CBA Drug-Testing Provisions?
August 23, 2018
In light of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s recent announcement of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to rescind the majority of its controversial electronic reporting requirements, I decided to review some previous guidance on these requirements.
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Does Apple’s New HQ Violate OSHA?
March 8, 2018
Some of Apple’s 12,000 employees on campus, for whom it has a duty to provide a safe working environment, according to OSHA — are walking into the walls.
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OSHA’s Electronic Reporting Requirements Pushed Back Two Weeks
December 1, 2017
Back in May 2016, we wrote about OSHA’s Final Rule, which requires certain employers to electronically submit worker injury and illness data for public display.  Although OSHA already requires employers to report serious injuries, this new rule will require certain employers to report a lot more injury and illness data via secure website.
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OSHA Injury Tracking Application Now Up and Running
August 1, 2017
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) promulgated new rules effective January 1, 2017, which required additional reporting of injuries and illnesses by employers with 250 or more employees or employers with 20-249 employees in “hazardous industries.”
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OSHA’s Guidelines for Employees Working during the “Dog Days of Summer”
July 27, 2017
OSHA initially launched the “Heat Illness Prevention” campaign in 2011 to help educate employers and employees on the dangers that may arise when working in hot environments. This year, OSHA re-emphasized its plan of action and published a “Quick Card,” which outlines several ways for employers to maintain the safety of their employees.
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