

Oregon Workplace Fairness Act Provisions Effective October 1, 2020
September 28, 2020
The Oregon Legislature’s response to the #MeToo Movement came in the form of sweeping legislation.
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Flu Vaccine Considerations
August 27, 2020
As August comes to a close, many employers are anxious that with Fall will come flu season, placing employers in the position of battling staffing challenges and employee health issues from two dueling infections.
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Wait! What Does the NLRB Think About Social Media Policies?!
September 25, 2019
As those of you who pay attention to the National Labor Relations Board know, the issue of social media policies is an area particularly fraught with confusion.
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Uniforms Under the Fair Labor Standards Act
January 28, 2019
Many employers are not aware of potential liabilities that are involved when employees are required to wear uniforms at work. With respect to uniforms there are two specific issues that employers must consider.
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Holiday and New Year Reminders for Employers
December 6, 2018
It is the time of year for holiday parties. While a good time can be had by all, employers need to be sure to set expectations beforehand.
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Boards of Directors in the Bullseye: #MeToo and the Fiduciary Duty
November 29, 2018
Allegations of sexual harassment perpetrated by top officials are not new, nor are lawsuits or threats of lawsuits based on those allegations.
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New York City to Require Lactation Rooms and Policies
November 26, 2018
On November 17, 2018, The New York City Human Rights Law was amended to require most New York City employers to develop written “lactation room accommodation” policies and to accommodate employees who need to express breast milk by providing lactation rooms and refrigerators for breast milk storage, absent an undue hardship.
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Employer Liability for Employee Cell Phone Use Behind The Wheel
October 4, 2018
The individual risks and potential liability associated with behind-the-wheel cell phone use are well known. What may be lesser known is the extent to which an employer can be held liable for a cell phone-related accident involving one of its employees.
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EEO Tips: Mandatory Flu Shot Policies
August 29, 2018
Believe it or not, summer is almost over and itis again time to think about flu vaccines! How effective will they be this year, will you and your family get shots, and will the flu shot be required for your employees?
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Wage and Hour Tips: When is Travel Time Considered Work Time
August 29, 2018
One of the most confusing areas of the FLSA is determining whether travel time is considered work time. The following provides an outline of the enforcement principles used by Wage Hour to administer the Act.
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New York State Draft Sexual Harassment Policy, Complaint Form, and Training Released
August 29, 2018
Late last week, New York State launched a new website offering sexual harassment resources for employees and employers, including the much anticipated model sexual harassment policy, complaint form, and training called for by the sexual harassment legislation enacted last year.
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Drafting a Parental Leave Policy? Learn from the Estée Lauder Story or You'll Risk Smelling Stinky
August 6, 2018
Parental leave policies are on the rise.Maternity. Paternity. Caregiver. You name it. I am drafting more of these policies than ever before.
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