
Supreme Court

U.S. Supreme Court Leave in Place Denial of Telework Accommodation in Response to New Mom's Medically-Unjustified Request
May 27, 2023
On Monday, May 15th, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal from a former Georgia state worker, Nicole Owens, who challenged her employer’s decision not to grant her extended post-maternity leave telework.
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Workplace Religious Accommodation Ruling Expected from Supreme Court Soon
May 10, 2023
In April, the United State Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Groff v. DeJoy, a case about religious accommodations in the workplace.
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Supreme Court Provides Clarification on the Highly Compensated Employee Exemption’s Salary Requirement
February 22, 2023
On February 22, 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its opinion in Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc. v. Hewitt, clarifying that, in order to qualify for the highly compensated employee (HCE) exemption from the Fair Labor Standard Act’s overtime mandate, the employee must be paid on a salary basis, and the payment of a daily rate does not constitute a salary.
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The Supreme Court Renders An Important Victory For Employers
June 18, 2022
On June 15, 2022, the United States Supreme Court handed down a significant victory to employers with regard to the arbitration of claims brought by employees under California’s Private Attorney General Act (“PAGA”). 
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U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Down California Union Access Regulation
June 30, 2021
In a 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court, in a decision issued on June 23, 2021 struck down a California state law requiring agricultural employers to grant union organizers access to their property.
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Latest U.S. Supreme Court Case Favors Religious Rights Over Laws Prohibiting Discrimination Against LGBTQ+, Signals Potential Expansion of Religious Rights
June 18, 2021
In a potential expansion of religious freedom rights, the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Fulton v. City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, held that the City of Philadelphia could not require Catholic Social Services, a group contracting with the City to provide foster care services for over 50 years, to certify same-sex couples as foster care providers in violation of the Catholic church’s view that marriage is a sacred bond between one man and one woman.
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SCOTUS Gives Religious Exemptions Wide Berth in Two Key Employment Rulings
July 9, 2020
On June 8th, the U.S. Supreme Court issued two 7-2 decisions involving religious exemptions to federal employment and benefits laws.
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Supreme Court Rules DACA to Continue—For Now
June 19, 2020
On June 18, 2020, The United States Supreme Court ruled, 5 to 4, that the Trump Administration could not immediately shut down DACA.
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U.S. Supreme Court Rules that Title VII Protects LGBTQ Workers from Discrimination
June 15, 2020
Today, the U.S. Supreme ruled that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act bars discrimination on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation.
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The U.S. Supreme Court Extends Protections for Homosexual & Transgender Employees Under Title VII
June 15, 2020
In a long awaited decision, the Supreme Court of the United States extended protections for homosexual and transgender employees under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
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Supreme Court Addresses Standards Of Proof In Discrimination Cases
April 8, 2020
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Supreme Court has continued to issue opinions in pending cases. Two recent decisions are particularly relevant to employers.
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U.S. Supreme Court: Mixed Motive Framework Rejected as a way to Establish Causation in §1981 Claims
April 2, 2020
On March 23, 2020, the Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, held that plaintiffs who bring actions under §1981 of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 bear the burden of showing that race was a “but-for” cause of their injury—that is, that their injury would not have occurred but for their race.
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