

Employers, Facebook Can Be Your Friend!
December 5, 2017
Our past alerts on social media issues typically center on NLRB and court decisions that are not always favorable to employers. A recent arbitration decision, however, highlights that Facebook may provide an employer with the evidence it needs to root out workplace dishonesty.
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Canada: Court of Appeal Confirms Purchaser Not Bound to Vendor’s Employment Contracts
November 28, 2017
A particularly nuanced aspect of a sale of business involves offering employment to employees of the vendor. The determination of risk, as well as whether the vendor or purchaser takes on liability for employment obligations, is often a key feature of such transactions and price.
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Ontario’s Court of Appeal Strikes Down Yet Another Termination Clause
November 9, 2017
Recent decisions from the Ontario courts have not been kind to employers seeking to limit employees’ termination entitlements through written agreements.
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Minnesota Supreme Court Allows Private Cause of Action for Employees Terminated for Refusing to Share Tips & October 2017 Updates in Labor and Employment Law
October 23, 2017
On October 11, 2017, the Minnesota Supreme Court held in Burt v. Rackner, 2017 WL 4532933 (Minn. 2017), the Minnesota Fair Labor Standards Act (MFLSA) grants an employee a private cause of action for wrongful discharge when terminated for refusing to share gratuities.
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Reputation is Everything
August 31, 2017
I just finished reading a nightmare of a case involving the relentless campaign of a town resident to call out and punish a town official for his role in the controversial development of historic property in the center of their town.
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HR Lessons from the Comey Termination
May 18, 2017
Whether you live in a blue state, red state, or just in the state of denial, you surely have heard by now about President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey.
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