

The Maryland Department of Labor Issues Proposed Maryland Economic Stabilization Act Regulations
January 3, 2024
On December 15, 2023, the Maryland Department of Labor issued proposed regulations to implement the Maryland Economic Stabilization Act, which requires employers to provide notice of a mass layoff or a reduction in force in certain circumstances. 
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2024 Minimum Wage Update
January 3, 2024
Many states and municipalities are increasing their minimum wage for 2024. Here is a list.
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Wisconsin Worker's Compensation Advisory Council Calls for Department of Hearings and Appeals to End "Hold Open" Practice
December 18, 2023
Recently the Wisconsin Worker’s Compensation Advisory Council voted to approve two separate bills that include potentially significant changes to the Worker’s Compensation Act of Wisconsin (Chapter 102), including the administration of the Act.
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“Stay-or-Pay”? A Potential TRAP for Employers!
December 15, 2023
A recent New York Times article highlighted the use and, frankly, abuse of Training Repayment Agreement Provisions, also known as stay-or-pay provisions.
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India: December Employment Law Updates
December 7, 2023
King Stubb & Kasiva's latest newsletter on Employment Law Updates for December in India.
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India: November Employment Law Updates
November 10, 2023
Updates from Worklaw® Network India member King Stubb & Kasiva
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California: New Year, New Laws: Time for a New Handbook
October 30, 2023
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India: October Employment Law Updates
October 10, 2023
King Stubb & Kasiva's latest newsletter on Employment Law Updates for October in India.
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It’s Football (Unionizing) Season…
September 15, 2023
The Dartmouth basketball team just came through with a pass at the National Labor Relations Board.
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India: September Employment Law Updates
September 14, 2023
Updates from Worklaw® Network India member King Stubb & Kasiva
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CMS On Your Radar - Key employment issues to be aware of internationally
September 7, 2023
This edition of On your radar contains a wide variety of employment law themes including equality, employee mobility and work-life balance. 
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Employers Rounding Time Should Be Cautious Following 8th Circuit Opinion
August 25, 2023
Rounding of time is nothing new. For payroll simplicity, employers have rounded time up and down for decades, beginning when we actually put a timesheet into a punch clock to “punch the time.”
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