

On Your Radar: Key Employment Issues Across Europe and Beyond
January 27, 2021
Welcome to the latest edition of our international employment update “On Your Radar”, which is a story of two halves…
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Tell a Lie and All Your Truths Become Questionable: Appellate Court Orders an Untruthful Officer to be Fired On Public Policy Grounds
January 27, 2021
On December 24, 2020, the Illinois Appellate Court First District ruled that it is the public policy of the State of Illinois that police officers are to be honest and truthful in conducting their police duties.
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President Biden Terminates/Replaces NLRB General Counsel; Replaces EEOC Chair and Vice-Chair
January 26, 2021
President Biden has terminated NLRB General Counsel Peter Robb on inauguration day, January 20. Biden also terminated Robb’s deputy, Alice B. Stock.
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President Biden Signs Multiple Executive Orders Relating to Federal Workplaces on Day One
January 21, 2021
As expected, the Biden Administration hit the ground running January 20th, including firing the Trump-appointed general counsel for the National Labor Relations Board and signing 17 Executive Actions. This Alert covers several of those actions that create immediate impacts on Federal employers and contractors, and are of interest to all employers.
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Can Employers Terminate for Off-Duty Conduct (Say, Like Storming the Capitol)?
January 15, 2021
What exactly are the parameters of when an employer can take action against an employee for engaging in off-duty activities that an employer may find repugnant? 
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Canada: Employers Face Possible Expansion of the Duty of Honesty and Good Faith
January 13, 2021
Do employers have a general duty to act honestly and in good faith when dealing with their employees?
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Politcal/Social Expression and Upheaval
January 11, 2021
The events leading up to and occurring on January 6th in our nation’s capitol and at several state capitols raise questions about an employer’s rights to hold employees accountable for their political expression and behavior away from work.
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Organized Labor's New Labor Secretary
January 11, 2021
President-elect Joe Biden on January 8 nominated Boston Mayor Marty Walsh as the next Secretary of Labor. Mayor Walsh is the first DOL nominee in over 50 years who is a union member.
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New Rule Clarifies Standard for Independent Contractor v. Employee Status
January 7, 2021
On January 6, 2021, the U.S. Department of Labor announced a final rule clarifying the test and various factors used to determine whether a worker is an employee or independent contractor under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
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Pay Me Now, or Pay Me Later? Wages Paid for Anticipated Overtime are Excludable from Employees’ Regular Rate
January 5, 2021
The Department of Labor released an opinion letter addressing whether certain overtime payments based on an expected number of hours may be credited towards the amount of overtime pay owed under the Fair Labor Standards Act and whether such overtime payments are excludable from the regular rate.
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What Can Employers Expect from a Joe Biden Presidency?
January 5, 2021
As we say goodbye to 2020 (good riddance!) and begin the New Year, employers are starting to ask: what will a Joe Biden presidency mean for us?
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USDOL Gets Tech-Savvy in Approving Electronic Notice Posting and FMLA-Qualifying Telemedicine Visits
January 4, 2021
The U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Wage and Hour Division was hard at work in the closing days of 2020, endorsing the use of electronic posting of required notices and telemedicine visits under the Family and Medical Leave Act.
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