

Snow Days, Weather Delays, and Employee Pay
December 23, 2019
It’s the time of year to consider an employer’s obligations to pay exempt and non-exempt employees when reporting to work is delayed or the employer is closed due to weather issues.
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Christmas Comes Early for Employers with Big NLRB Wins
December 20, 2019
It’s been a winning season for businesses, with employers garnering some big NLRB wins.
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New Year's Resolutions for HR
December 19, 2019
We offer the following ten resolutions for business leaders with HR responsibilities to adopt for 2020.
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Calling Employer “Stupid” Protected Under NLRA
December 19, 2019
The case of Roseburg v. Forest Products Company and Carpenters Industrial Council Local Union No. 2949 (NLRB Nov. 29, 2019), involved the scope of an employee’s protected activity when criticizing the company on the union’s Facebook page.
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Employers May Cease Deducting Union Dues When CBA Expires
December 17, 2019
This week, on December 16, 2019, the NLRB reversed Lincoln Lutheran of Racine and returned to the rule established by Bethlehem Steel, 136 NLRB 1500 (1962), holding that a dues checkoff provision did not survive the expiration of the relevant CBA, and that an employer did not violate the National Labor Relations Act by discontinuing its practice of deducting employees’ union dues from their wages over a year after the CBA expired.
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Why Can’t We Be Friends? Monitoring Employees’ Social Media
December 16, 2019
Employees received an early present on the social media front this fall. A recent decision from the Nation Labor Relations Board has set additional parameters on what employers may and may not do when it comes to monitoring employees’ social media.
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NLRB Delivers A “Holiday Gift” To Employers: New Union Election Timelines
December 13, 2019
On December 13, 2019, the National Labor Relations Board issued a final rule revising the Obama-era union election procedures (known as “R-Case” rules). The revision to the procedures will become effective 120 days from its publication in the Federal Register next week.
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Alabama Minimum Wage Preemption Upheld (For Now)
December 13, 2019
On December 13, 2019, the full Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the dismissal of a lawsuit challenging the Alabama Uniform Minimum Wage Law.
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Department Of Labor Issues Final Rule On Regular Rate Exclusions From Overtime Calculations
December 12, 2019
On December 12, 2019, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced a revised interpretation listing payments that can be excluded from the “regular rate” used to compute overtime pay for non-exempt employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
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Ontario: Does the WSIB bar lawsuits for employment related stress? Apparently (in some cases)
December 11, 2019
Historically, workers’ compensation law placed a highly restrictive definition on traumatic mental stress injuries, which meant as a practical matter very few stress claims would ever be allowed.
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If ICE Comes, Are You Ready?
December 11, 2019
2019 was unquestionably a busy year for the Department of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement (“ICE”).
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Sick Leave for Service Animals?
December 11, 2019
A shift in my thinking comes out of the Frequently Asked Questions on Arizona’s Earned Sick Time Law, which one of my partners was recently perusing.
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