

DOL Gives Working Parents FMLA Pass to Attend Children's Special Education Meetings
August 16, 2019
In what is perhaps an agency first, the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently issued a letter in response to a request from a concerned parent.
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NLRB Expands Scope of Mandatory Arbitration Agreements
August 16, 2019
The National Labor Relations Board has now addressed the use of mandatory arbitration agreements following the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2018 decision in Epic Systems v. Lewis.
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The First Rollout of Proposed Amendments to the NLRB's Election Rules
August 15, 2019
On August 9, 2019, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued the first of its planned series of highly anticipated proposed amendments to its union election procedures.
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New York State Sexual Harassment Training Deadline is October 9th
August 12, 2019
As a reminder, all employees who work in New York State must receive sexual harassment training by October 9, 2019.
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It Isn’t Just Unionized Employees Who Walk Off the Job these Days
August 8, 2019
While strikes have long been a tool of unions to pressure employers regarding wages and other terms and conditions of employment, in recent years, non-unionized employers have seen an increase in employee activism, including walkouts, over political and other related issues.
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Oregon Legislature Updates Equal Pay Act; Additional Changes to Administrative Rules Appear Likely
August 7, 2019
Oregon has passed a new bill, Senate Bill 123, making several changes to the Oregon Equal Pay Act (OEPA) that will aid employers’—and particularly employers with unionized workforces—compliance efforts.
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EEO-1 Component 2 Filing - What You Need to Know
August 1, 2019
The website for the EEO-1 Component 2 online filing system is open, complete with long-awaited sample forms, fairly straightforward instructions, and answers to frequently asked questions.
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FMLA Vacation - $2 Million Jury Award
August 1, 2019
Employers have the right to act when in good faith they believe that an employee is abusing Family and Medical Leave. The risk an employer faces is when an employer’s lack of knowledge of the Family Medical Leave Act results in a mistaken belief that FML has been abused.
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The Motor Carrier Exemption under the Fair Labor Standards Act
August 1, 2019
Although there have been some changes in the way that Wage Hour operates since the new administration took over, they have not been drastic. One change is that now the Wage Hour Administrator has begun issuing opinion letters.
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New Illinois Law Poised to Ban Salary History Inquiries
August 1, 2019
Among the bills awaiting signature by Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker is an amendment to the Illinois Equal Pay Act of 2003 that would ban employers from asking job applicants for information about their wage, salary or benefits history. Governor Pritzker is expected to sign the bill, HB834.
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Social Security Administration’s “No-Match” Letters Are Back
August 1, 2019
The Social Security Administration is once again sending employers notification when names and social security numbers submitted on W-2 forms do not match SSA’s records.
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Ride for Respect: Intermittent “Hit and Run” Strike or Presumptively Protected Work Stoppage?
July 31, 2019
In May of 2013, some Walmart employees boarded buses bound for Bentonville, Arkansas to attend the Company’s annual shareholders meeting. The buses formed a caravan, picking up employees at Walmart locations on the way. The caravan was dubbed the “Ride for Respect.”
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