

RIFs Are Not the Easy Solution for Problem Employees
January 16, 2019
Some employers view a reduction in force as an apparently easy and clean way to get rid of employees they do not want – like poor performers, who have not been properly performance-managed. The case of Hawks v. Ballantine Communications, Inc., however, highlights the peril of such thinking.
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Missouri: Uncertainty Continues Regarding Proper Payment Of Tipped Employees
January 16, 2019
The use of tip credits by employers involves the crediting of tips an employee earns toward their hourly pay and, as a result, reducing the amount the employer contributes toward meeting the relevant minimum wage threshold.
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The Top 4 Things Employers Should Do In 2019
January 15, 2019
If you are an employer, please do not forget about new year resolutions for your business too.
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Arbitrator Went Too Far in Ordering Violent Nurse Back to Work
January 15, 2019
A Massachusetts federal judge ruled that an arbitrator exceeded his authority under the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) by ordering the reinstatement of a nurse discharged for assaulting a co-worker at the hospital where both were employed.
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E-Verify Halted Amidst Government Shutdown
January 11, 2019
Heading for its fourth week, the government shutdown continues to impact workers and employers nationwide.
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Family Savings Act Includes Many Positive Changes for Retirement Plans
January 10, 2019
In September, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives passed three bills collectively called Tax Reform 2.0. One of the bills, HR 6757 (Family Savings Act of 2018), will likely enjoy broad support in the Senate if it makes it to a vote there.
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Extraordinary Employee Misconduct: Hitting on Arrestees!
January 9, 2019
I was both shocked and amused by a case involving a trooper who was fired after he hit on a female motorist after arresting her! While he was on a last chance agreement for (wait for it…) hitting on another female motorist after arresting her!
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DOL Opinion Letter on Traveling Home Health Aide Pay Is a Good Reminder for All Employers: Remember Travel Time!
January 9, 2019
A recent U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Opinion Letter reminds employers that travel time for non-exempt employees is an important but often overlooked area where even conscientious employers can find themselves in violation.
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Will Boston Symphony Orchestra Equal Pay Lawsuit Provide Clarification? Maybe Not
January 7, 2019
Boston Symphony Orchestra’s principal flutist, Elizabeth Rowe, filed a lawsuit in Superior Court against the Orchestra alleging that she was paid less per year than the principal male oboe player because of her gender.
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ICE Reports Massive 2018 Workplace Investigations Increase; More to Follow in 2019
January 7, 2019
As is now generally common knowledge, the Trump administration has made immigration enforcement a top priority.
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Oh, the Weather Outside is Frightful (I think I Need a Sick Day)!!
January 3, 2019
If you are in a state with mandatory sick leave, employees may be invoking their right to no-questions-asked leave when you otherwise prohibit any excuses.
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Employers May Be Impacted by Changes to 2019 H-1B Visa Application Process
January 2, 2019
Employers who have sponsored H-1B Visas for foreign workers know that the process to do so is no easy task.
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