

The NLRB Thinks High School Sports Referees Can Unionize
July 20, 2017
I became the commissioner of my daughter’s county basketball league when she was nine.  No one else would “step up.”  The prior year, a player had slapped another player in the handshake line at the end of a game in retribution for rough play (by an 8-year-old girl!) and no game commissioner was there to intervene.
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Second Circuit Upholds NLRB Whole Foods Decision Allowing Employee Recording in the Workplace
June 20, 2017
With little fanfare, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals recently upheld a National Labor Relations Board decision striking down Whole Foods’ policies prohibiting workplace audio or video recording without prior approval from management.
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NLRB Alert - Finally Some Good News For Employers!
May 16, 2017
In late April 2017, President Trump appointed Philip A. Miscimarra as the new Chairman of the National Labor Relations Board ("NLRB").  Chairman Miscimarra has served as a Board Member of the NLRB since 2013 and is the only current Republican on the Board.
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A Battle for the Soul of the NLRB?
April 27, 2017
For several years we have watched the National Labor Relations Board take ever-more aggressive positions that (in our view) ignore the realities of the modern-day workplace and business operations (or really, common sense).
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The NLRB Rules That It Will Assert Jurisdiction Over Nonteaching Employees of Religious Institutions And Nonprofit Religious Organizations
April 13, 2017
In its decision last week in Saint Xavier University, the NLRB established the test it will use to determine whether it will assert jurisdiction over nonteaching employees of religious institutions.
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