

Heads (and Policies) Roll at the NLRB
February 3, 2021
In case you missed it, one of President Biden’s first official acts on Inauguration Day was to remove National Labor Relations Board General Counsel Peter Robb.
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President Biden Terminates/Replaces NLRB General Counsel; Replaces EEOC Chair and Vice-Chair
January 26, 2021
President Biden has terminated NLRB General Counsel Peter Robb on inauguration day, January 20. Biden also terminated Robb’s deputy, Alice B. Stock.
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When Does a Neutrality Agreement Provide Unlawful Assistance to a Union? The NLRB GC Weighs In
September 30, 2020
National Labor Relations Board General Counsel Peter Robb issued guidance concerning how he will analyze whether a neutrality agreement provides unlawful assistance to a union, in violation of Section 8(a)(2) of the National Labor Relations Act.
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NLRB Is Refusing to Bargain in Good Faith with Its Own Union?
August 27, 2020
The National Labor Relations Board is being accused of failing to bargain in good faith. By its own union!
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NLRB Proposes Rollback of Requirement to Provide Unions with Personal E-mail Addresses, Phone Numbers
July 30, 2020
On July 29, the National Labor Relations Board issued a proposed rule that would repeal the Obama-era mandate that employers provide unions and other parties with employees’ personal e-mail addresses and phone numbers, if available, prior to union elections.
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Forward Progress
July 28, 2020
Last week, the National Labor Relations Board changed its standard for determining whether employees who make abusive or offensive statements while engaging in activity otherwise protected under the National Labor Relations Act may be lawfully disciplined or discharged by their employer.
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NLRB Gives Employers Greater Leeway to Discipline Employees for Offensive Speech
July 22, 2020
On July 21, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued its decision in General Motors, giving employers more latitude to issue discipline for employees’ racist, sexist, threatening, or other offensive speech in the context of strikes and union organizing.
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Developments in the NLRB’s Revised Representation Election Rule – Where Is It Now?
June 30, 2020
Back on June 1, 2020, the National Labor Relations Board implemented many of its proposed changes to the rule governing representation elections, in which employees vote on whether they wish to be represented by a union.
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NLRB Permits Employers to Search Company Devices and Employee Property, Including Cars
June 30, 2020
In Verizon Wireless, the National Labor Relations Board held that employer rules authorizing the monitoring of company electronic devices and searches of employee property, including cars, were lawful.
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NLRB Restores Important Employer Right
June 24, 2020
This week, the National Labor Relations Board (Board) rolled back another decision of the Obama Board.
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New NLRB Rules Partially Delayed Due To Federal Court Ruling
June 2, 2020
A portion of the new rules for representation cases developed by the National Labor Relations Board did not become effective on May 31, 2020 due to a lawsuit, brought by the AFL-CIO, over alleged defects in the Board’s procedure for adopting and issuing the new rules.
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NLRB Reminds Unions That Information Requests Are A Two-Way Street
June 1, 2020
The National Labor Relations Board recently ruled that UNITE HERE's Local 1 violated the National Labor Relations Act by failing and refusing to respond to an employer’s information requests.
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