

No, You Can’t Fire Employees for Threatening to Strike!
August 20, 2024
With less than three months until the 2024 presidential election, we are firmly entrenched in political silly season.
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Supreme Court Ruling in Starbucks v. McKinney: Implications for Employees and Unions
June 21, 2024
On June 13, 2024, the Supreme Court held that the National Labor Relations Board is subject to the same standard as any other litigant when it seeks a preliminary injunction in unfair labor practice cases.
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So, A Union’s Own Unionized Workers Go On Strike…
June 19, 2024
There was a bit of schadenfreude with the news that employees engaged in a strike due to unfair labor practices allegedly committed by their employer – who happens to be both a union and unionized!
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General Counsel Abruzzo’s Latest Memorandum Encourages a Further Expansion of Remedies for Employees
May 24, 2024
On April 8, NLRB General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo issued GC Memo 24-04, providing yet another memorandum broadening remedies for employees that have been wrongfully discharged for engaging in union or other protected concerted activity.
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UAW Mercedes Loss - A "Bump in the Road?"
May 24, 2024
May 17th's, 2,045 union yes to 2,642 union no vote should slow down the UAW’s southern organizing engine, but the UAW is in this for the long haul.
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UAW's Win at VW
April 23, 2024
The UAW’s $40 million “Southern Strategy” had its first success yesterday.
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OSHA Opens Your Doors to Union Reps
April 1, 2024
On Friday, March 29, OSHA issued its final revisions to its “walkaround rule” to allow non-employees to participate in OSHA inspections.
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Three Ways 2023 Was A Banner Year For Unions
March 27, 2024
Now that the dust has settled on 2023, it’s crystal clear that it was a banner year for unions. Let’s take a closer look.
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So, Dartmouth Won’t Play Ball with the Union…
March 21, 2024
A Regional Director for the National Labor Relations Board issued a game-changing decision that players on Dartmouth’s men’s basketball team are “employees” within the meaning of the National Labor Relations Act.
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In Just Six Months, an Unprecedented Increase in Employer Petitions for Union Representation (But We Knew That Was Coming)
March 7, 2024
As anticipated, the number of employer requests for union elections has exploded since the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) adopted a new framework for representation last summer.
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Union Membership Continues to Increase
February 29, 2024
Unions gained 191,000 new members during 2023, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, continuing its upward trend.
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Is the NLRB Overstepping? Proposed Remedy Would Give Unions Hiring Control
February 16, 2024
Jennifer Abruzzo's proposed remedy would, in some cases, allow a union to decide who must be hired by the employer.
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