

The NLRB Radically Changes the Election Landscape
August 25, 2023
On August 25, 2023, a majority of the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) issued a decision in Cemex Construction Materials LLC 372 NLRB No. 130
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Are Employers Supposed to Protect Striking Employees?
July 28, 2023
As most of us know, Hollywood is striking. Some of you may have seen media reports about the unions filing unfair labor practice charges with the National Labor Relations Board over unsafe picketing conditions. Which may cause some of you to wonder – what is an employer’s responsibility with respect to those conditions?
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U.S. Supreme Court Strikes a Chord for the Status Quo
June 28, 2023
On June 1, 2023, in an 8-1 decision, SCOTUS decided in Glacier Northwest v International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local Union No. 174 that the company could sue the union in state court for damages to its property due to a strike.
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Florida: New Law Prohibits Certain Public Employers from Deducting Union Dues from Employee Paychecks, Spurring Immediate Union Lawsuit
May 15, 2023
On May 9, 2023, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed Senate Bill 256, which enacted far-reaching changes to Florida public sector labor relations law.
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NLRB Limits Employers' Authority to Discipline During Workplace Activism and Union-Related Activities
May 1, 2023
On May 1, 2023, the National Labor Relations Board issued a decision in the case of Lion Elastomers that restores legal protection for workers who engage in profane speech or conduct in the context of workplace activism and union-related activity.
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Chicago City Council Passes Ordinance Requiring Nonprofit Contractors to Enter into Labor Peace Agreement with Unions
April 5, 2023
On March 15, 2023, the Chicago City Council overwhelmingly voted to approve an ordinance requiring labor peace agreements between workers and Chicago-funded nonprofit organizations providing critical public health and social services to Chicago residents and communities.
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Michigan's Freedom to Work Law Ends in 2024
April 3, 2023
On March 24, 2023, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed legislation which repeals Michigan’s Freedom to Work (FTW) law.
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Was 2022 Really a Banner Year for Unions?
February 15, 2023
If you follow labor news, even casually, it would be easy to assume that everything is coming up roses for Unions.
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Best of Times, Worst of Times for Unions: BLS Report Shows Increasing Organizing Success But Continued Overall Union Membership Decline
January 25, 2023
On January 19, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released its annual report regarding union membership.
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Continuation of Dues Checkoff Now Considered Status Quo by Divided NLRB
October 4, 2022
In a 3-2 ruling by the five-member National Labor Relations Board, employers must now continue to deduct union dues from workers’ paychecks even after collective bargaining agreements containing such provisions expire.
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Employers – Be Prepared for More Union Apparel in the Workplace
September 1, 2022
On Monday, August 29, 2022, the National Labor Relations Board issued its first precedent-shifting decision under the Biden administration, which will have the effect of permitting more apparel with union insignia in the workplace.
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Employers Take Note! Labor’s Resurgence Could be Real this Time
April 18, 2022
        A recent surge of unionization efforts, coupled with unique economic conditions and key initiatives at the National Labor Relations Board, signal a potential resurgence of the labor movement. 
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