

NLRB General Counsel Announces Challenge to Employer Rights During Union Organizing Campaigns
April 7, 2022
In a new memorandum published April 7th, National Labor Relations Board (the “Board”) General Counsel, Jennifer Abruzzo, stated aloud what many had thought would be a goal of the newly appointed chief lawyer for the agency, challenging an employer’s ability to require employees to attend meetings during a union organizing campaign.
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Amazon Workers Vote Union In at NYC Warehouse
April 6, 2022
Amazon warehouse workers in New York City voted to unionize last week, marking the first time Amazon workers have done so in the U.S. Amazon has until April 8 to dispute the election results.
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Amazing Amazon Union Victory
April 4, 2022
On April 1st, the independent Amazon Labor Union won an election at the company’s Staten Island, New York fulfillment center. Here are some interesting facts.
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NLRB to Classify College Athletes as Employees
September 30, 2021
On September 29, NLRB General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo issued a Memorandum (GC 21-08) in which she stated that certain college athletes will be classified as employees, with the right to unionize and engage in other protected, concerted activity.
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NLRB Hearing Officer Recommends Second Union Election at Amazon – But Will It Happen?
August 18, 2021
A National Labor Relations Board hearing officer recently recommended that the union election at an Alabama Amazon warehouse be run a second time.
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E-Voting in Union Elections at the NLRB?
July 22, 2021
As our two major political parties wage battle in statehouses around the country regarding the ways in which citizens cast their votes, the National Labor Relations Board seems primed to implement electronic voting in union elections.
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U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Down California Union Access Regulation
June 30, 2021
In a 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court, in a decision issued on June 23, 2021 struck down a California state law requiring agricultural employers to grant union organizers access to their property.
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How Badly Are Things Going for Unions Right Now?
April 15, 2021
Unions have been back in the news again so it seems like a good time for a brief check-in to see how they are faring.
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Is There a Conservative Case for Labor Unions?
November 10, 2020
Like too many other things, the subject of labor unions can really polarize political opinions in this country. Views about labor unions pretty reliably break down along partisan lines, with liberals largely in support and conservatives largely opposed.
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When Does a Neutrality Agreement Provide Unlawful Assistance to a Union? The NLRB GC Weighs In
September 30, 2020
National Labor Relations Board General Counsel Peter Robb issued guidance concerning how he will analyze whether a neutrality agreement provides unlawful assistance to a union, in violation of Section 8(a)(2) of the National Labor Relations Act.
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Economy Expands, Unions Decline
February 24, 2020
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, private and public union membership in 2019 declined.
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Another Drop in Union Membership in 2019 and Some Interesting Tidbits
January 29, 2020
Union membership rate nationwide in 2019 dropped to 10.3 percent, despite a fairly robust national economy and continued job growth.
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