

NLRB General Counsel Provides Clarification on Severance Agreement Non-Disparagement and Confidentiality Provisions
March 22, 2023
The NLRB recently asserted that severance agreements may not contain general non-disparagement or confidentiality/non-disclosure clauses, based on its premise that such clauses violate the rights of employees under Section 7 of the NLRA to engage in concerted activity for their mutual aid or protection (i.e. “protected concerted activity”).
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Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination Issues Proposed Parental Leave Guidelines
March 20, 2023
On February 2, 2023, the MCAD issued proposed, “Guidelines on the Massachusetts Parental Leave Act.”  The 32-page proposed guidelines cover a number of topics.
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Federal Court Tackles Issue of Arbitrability in NFL Race Discrimination Suit, with Split Results
March 16, 2023
On March 1, 2023, the U.S. District Court of the Southern District of New York ruled that former NFL coach Brian Flores may litigate his claims against the NFL in federal court, while the rest of the claims must go to arbitration. This decision raises difficult questions about the contours and limits of arbitration agreements.
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A Revised Updated Employer’s Guide to March Madness
March 15, 2023
In repurposing an always-popular topic we offer employers some guidance on March Madness at work, this time with some improvements and updates on gambling and productivity, and a brand new drug and alcohol section.
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India: March Employment Law Updates
March 15, 2023
Updates from Worklaw® Network India member King Stubb & Kasiva
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Illinois - Paid Leave for All Workers Act Law Bulletin
March 14, 2023
Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker has signed into law the recently passed “Paid Leave for All Workers Act” (“PLAWA”), guaranteeing paid time off for virtually all working Illinoisans.
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Say What? NLRB Rules Employees May Tape Record Others in Violation of State Law
March 10, 2023
A recent NLRB ruling against Starbucks concluded that, “State law be damned,” employees may lawfully commit an act unlawful under the law of their State if they do so for reasons they claim to be protected concerted activity (PCA) under the NLRA.
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Severance, NLRB, and Employers
March 9, 2023
What does the recent McLaren Macomb ruling mean for Severance Agreements going forward?
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Big Bucks Supervisor Scores Overtime Win
March 6, 2023
Many employers labor under the misconception that a highly paid employee is necessarily exempt from the overtime requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
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Understanding Employee Provident Fund in India
March 6, 2023
Employee Provident Fund (“EPF”) is one of the social security schemes, which is in practice in India, promoting employee welfare.
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No, You May Not Pay Your Workers In Chicken Sandwiches…
March 2, 2023
Or, really, in anything other than money. That was the lesson learned by a Chick-Fil-A franchise recently, as the U.S. Department of Labor recently announced.
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Diversity or Divisiveness?
February 28, 2023
Employer focus on DEI, however well intentioned, may have a detrimental effect on the workforce if not handled properly.
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