

Illinois Governor to Sign Legislation Providing Mandatory Paid Leave for All Workers
February 27, 2023
Governor Pritzker has indicated that he will pass the Paid Leave for All Workers Act. Therefore, Illinois employers should take all necessary actions to ensure that their policies and practices are compliant with the requirements imposed by the new law prior to the Act’s effective date, January 1, 2024.
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The NLRB Restricts Employer Rights Again: Finding Typical Separation Agreement Terms Unlawful and Protecting Employees Who Make Secret Recordings
February 27, 2023
The National Labor Relations Board recently issued two important decisions, one finding unlawful non-disparagement and confidentiality provisions typically found in separation agreements, and the other protecting employees who make secret recordings at work.
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California Employers Can Require and Enforce Arbitration Agreements
February 23, 2023
California employers got help last week from a federal appeals court ruling that the Federal Arbitration Act preempts California Assembly Bill 51.
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Can You Force Employees to Repay Wages?
February 22, 2023
There have been a couple of interesting situations in the news recently involving employees who have been ordered by a court to repay wages to their employers.
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Supreme Court Provides Clarification on the Highly Compensated Employee Exemption’s Salary Requirement
February 22, 2023
On February 22, 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its opinion in Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc. v. Hewitt, clarifying that, in order to qualify for the highly compensated employee (HCE) exemption from the Fair Labor Standard Act’s overtime mandate, the employee must be paid on a salary basis, and the payment of a daily rate does not constitute a salary.
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Employers Must Excercise Care in Drafting Severance Agreements in Light of Recent Labor Board Decisions
February 22, 2023
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued a landmark decision on February 21st affecting the validity of various provisions typically found in employee severance agreements.
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Illinois Supreme Court Doubles Down on Liability for Biometric Information Privacy Act Claims
February 20, 2023
On Friday, February 17, 2023, the Illinois Supreme Court issued another blockbuster ruling interpreting the Biometric Information Privacy Act (“BIPA”).
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Managing Long Covid in the Workplace
February 17, 2023
The Centers for Disease Control defines long COVID as continuing health effects from a COVID infection which last 4 weeks or more, ranging from headaches and memory lapses to pulmonary and respiratory problems to autoimmune issues.
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The DOL Issues Guidance on Telework
February 16, 2023
On February 9, 2023, the U.S. Department of Labor issued guidance on how to comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act  and Family and Medical Leave Act as to teleworking employees.
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Was 2022 Really a Banner Year for Unions?
February 15, 2023
If you follow labor news, even casually, it would be easy to assume that everything is coming up roses for Unions.
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Illinois Supreme Court Opens Door for More Actions Under Illinois Biometric Privacy Act
February 13, 2023
On February 2, 2023, the Illinois Supreme Court laid to rest the longstanding question of whether the statute of limitations for BIPA claims is one year or five years, holding that the five-year “catchall” limit set in Section 13-205 for all civil actions that do not contain a specific statute of limitations applies to all BIPA claims.
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An Employer’s Guide to the Super Bowl
February 9, 2023
As we did for March Madness and the World Cup, we offer employers a little guidance on the Super Bowl at work.
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