

Créche/Nursery Facility at Workplace - Indian Legal Framework
October 20, 2022
Female labour participation in India is one of the lowest in the world. As per the National Minimum Guidelines for Setting up and Running crèche (nurseries) issued by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, the lack of safe and quality childcare support is one of the contributing factors to the low female labour participation.
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States Jointly Issue New Paid Leave Guidance for Oregon-Washington Employers
October 14, 2022
In a rare joint issuance, the state agencies in charge of paid Family Medical Leave (FML) programs in Oregon and Washington have issued clarification on which state’s paid leave program applies for employees crossing the states’ joint border.
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Massachusetts: Department Issues Important PFML Updates
October 12, 2022
The Massachusetts Department of Family and Medical Leave (Department) has been busy over the last several weeks and has issued some updates that are important for employers to know about.
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DOL lssues New Independent Contractor Rule
October 11, 2022
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has issued its anticipated proposed rule to clarify who is an independent contractor under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
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Quiet Firing: What Employers Need to Know Before Engaging in the Trending Form of "Discipline"
October 6, 2022
“Quiet firing” is now a trending term which refers to an employer who, instead of terminating an underperforming employee, simply reduces (or eliminates) the employee’s hours and/or responsibilities until the employee voluntarily quits.
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A Rundown Of New Employment Laws In California
October 5, 2022
California Governor Gavin Newsom signed several employment-related bills into law prior to the end of California legislative session on September 30, 2022.
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The Crown Act & Hair-Based Discrimination
October 5, 2022
Employers should take heed as the number of states to enact legislation banning discrimination based on an individual’s hair has seen a significant increase over the past year.
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Paid Leave Oregon – Volume 2: Employee Communications
October 4, 2022
As outlined in our previous alert, effective January 1, 2023, most Oregon employees and employers will begin paying into the new Family and Medical Leave Insurance (“FMLI”) program, Paid Leave Oregon.
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Continuation of Dues Checkoff Now Considered Status Quo by Divided NLRB
October 4, 2022
In a 3-2 ruling by the five-member National Labor Relations Board, employers must now continue to deduct union dues from workers’ paychecks even after collective bargaining agreements containing such provisions expire.
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NLRB Proposes New Rule Expanding Scope of Joint-Employer Standard: What Might This Mean for You?
September 30, 2022
If the proposed rule is issued as written, it would have significant implications for employers deemed to be joint employers—including, but not limited to, a requirement to bargain with a union that represents any jointly employed workers.
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Employers, Are You Regarding Those Socially Awkward Employees as Disabled?
September 30, 2022
Being “on the spectrum” is a pretty common way of referring to individuals with autism. Of course, there are varying degrees of severity of symptoms, and some people with social communication or interaction challenges do not actually have autism spectrum disorder.
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Hiring Best Practices: Salary History Bans and Pay Transparency
September 28, 2022
To address pay discrimination, states and localities have been enacting laws that prohibit employers from asking about an applicant’s salary history.
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