

Supreme Court Kisor Decision Has Implications for Employers
June 27, 2019
On June 26, the United States Supreme Court issued a decision in Kisor v. Wilkie, a case seeking to overturn prior precedent requiring deference to federal agencies’ interpretations of their regulations.
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New Paid Leave Law in Maine Provides Employees Leave For Any Purpose
June 26, 2019
Maine is the first state to pass legislation which provides paid leave time for employees to take for any reason they choose.
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Penalizing the Employer for the EEOC’s Mistake?
June 25, 2019
A recent case caused me significant concern on behalf of employers.
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Minnesota: July 1, 2019 Changes to Employer Recordkeeping and Wage Theft Statutes
June 25, 2019
On June 24, 2019, the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DOLI) published guidance about Minnesota’s new statutory amendments regarding employer recordkeeping and wage theft.
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Oregon Workplace Fairness Act Sails Through to Law
June 21, 2019
As the Oregon Legislature has been publicly forced to respond to allegations of workplace sexual harassment occurring in its own halls, Senate Bill 726, also known as the Oregon Workplace Fairness Act, passed through both chambers without much resistance.
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Oregon State Legislature Makes Sweeping Changes for Public Sector Unionized Employers
June 20, 2019
Oregon public employers with unionized workforces take note: last week, the Oregon State Legislature passed House Bill (“HB”) 2016, which will place numerous new restrictions and requirements on how government employers do business with unions and unionized workforces.
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Arbitration Agreement May Not Restrict Access to NLRB Processes
June 19, 2019
In a rare unanimous decision, on a closely-watched issue, from all four sitting members of an ideologically-divided National Labor Relations Board, the Board ruled that an employer’s arbitration agreement unlawfully restricted employee access to the Board and its processes.
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New Oregon Legislation Intended to Ease Employer Costs Due to PERS’s Unfunded Liability
June 19, 2019
On May 30, 2019, the Oregon Senate and House passed Senate Bill 1049, the most recent legislative attempt at significant Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) reform.
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NLRB Limits Union Access Rights
June 18, 2019
The National Labor Relations Board has overruled decades-old precedent in holding that employers may deny access for non-employee union representatives to public restaurants and cafeterias on the employer’s private property.
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Workplace Violence: What Does OSHA Require of Employers?
June 18, 2019
Franczek P.C. recently hosted a seminar on preventing workplace violence. As a follow-up to that event, we would like to share what the law, and more specifically the Occupational Safety and Health Act, says about violence in the workplace.
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No Solicitation: NLRB Decision Allows Employers to Prohibit Union Solicitation in the Workplace
June 17, 2019
On June 14, 2019, the National Labor Relations Board overturned its long-standing ‘public spaces’ exception that allowed nonemployee union representatives access to employer-owned public spaces so long as those representatives were not disruptive.
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New York City to Limit Prehire Marijuana Testing in May 2020
June 17, 2019
Effective May 10, 2020, the New York City Human Rights law will prohibit employers from requiring prospective employees to undergo marijuana testing as a condition of employment, absent a specific exemption.
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