

21C Workplace Success Begins with a Handshake (and Eye Contact)!
December 12, 2018
The 21st Century is in full swing.  Yet, we still don’t quite know what it means to be a 21C workplace.
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Upcoming Changes to Illinois Employment Law
December 12, 2018
Illinois employers can expect significant changes to the state’s employment laws in 2019 after the legislature passed several bills that will have an impact on employers’ workplace obligations.
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2019 Minimum Wage Update
December 11, 2018
As the end of the year approaches it is important for employers to begin looking to 2019 and be aware of the changes that must be instituted.
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Illinois Appellate Court Upholds School District’s Use of “Unduly Burdensome” FOIA Exemption for “Fishing Expedition” Request
December 10, 2018
A recent Illinois Appellate Court decision provides welcome support to a school district or other public body faced with a Freedom of Information Act request that is more akin to a “fishing expedition” than a targeted request for documents.
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DOL Provides Guidance on No-Fault Attendance Policies in FMLA context
December 7, 2018
The DOL has issued an opinion letter addressing whether points earned under a “no-fault” attendance policy can stay on an employee’s record while the employee is on FMLA leave even if the points otherwise would have been erased if the employee had been working.
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Holiday and New Year Reminders for Employers
December 6, 2018
It is the time of year for holiday parties. While a good time can be had by all, employers need to be sure to set expectations beforehand.
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Eighth Circuit Weighs in on Religious Accommodations
December 6, 2018
The Eighth Circuit recently held in EEOC v. North Memorial Health Care, 908 F.3d 1098 (8th Cir. 2018), that the hospital properly moved on to another candidate after the first candidate refused to perform an essential function of the job.
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Paying Out a Year-End Bonus or an Incentive Payment: Can an Employer Withhold the Money from the Employee Who Took FMLA Leave?
December 6, 2018
It’s the end of the year, which means bonus time.
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Employers Tread Carefully! The Interplay between Federal and State Laws Regarding Medical Marijuana Usage
December 5, 2018
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has a reputation as an employee-friendly forum.  Yet that Court recently rendered a decision that employers should applaud.
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USCIS Proposes Significant Changes to the H-1B Lottery Process
December 4, 2018
On December 3, 2018, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a proposed rule which, if finalized after notice and comment, would significantly change the H-1B lottery process.
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Massachusetts: New CORI Changes Further Limit Pre-Employment Inquiries
December 3, 2018
Amendments to the Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) law, were enacted in April 2018 and became effective October 13, 2018.
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EEOC Assesses Root Cause of Workplace Harassment
November 30, 2018
For the past three years, the EEOC has had a Task Force which focused on the causes and  remedies for workplace harassment.
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